TEXAID joins the Gemeinschaft für textile Zukunft
On 1st July 2015, TEXAID joined the Gemeinschaft für textile Zukunft - GftZ (Future of Textiles Association). The GftZ has set itself the goal of developing uniform guidelines for sustainable textile recycling and for putting them into practice. The guidelines will be used by decision-makers and market operators as a manual and professional basis for their business activities. The guidelines are expected to be completed by the end of the year, and they will also be incorporated into policy and made known via public relations work.
The GftZ was founded at the beginning of the year by leading market operators for the purpose of optimizing quality in textile recycling. TEXAID now being a member is a logical step on the road towards future-orientated used clothes recycling.
More information about the Future of Textiles Association can be found atwww.textile-zukunft.de.